Sunday, August 13, 2017

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

I have written some poems about the forest:

The Forest

The forest was formed by trees and cats,
Then 2 birds and green grass mats. 

Then an owl and a dog,
And a pond and a fish and a frog,

Soon a wolf came to join,
Then a something shiny, a coin.

Of course, a jackdaw entered,
For they like shiny presents.

There were a fox and a coyote, 
And a heron so floaty.

And three young snakes,
And each one's name was Rattlesnake.

Each of the creations was made by Allaah, 
From the grass to the animals and birds and even the forest, Subhanallaah! 

My Predators

I am a squirrel,
My predators are terrible,

They are coyotes, foxes,
and wolves, there are boxes.

And there are types of birds, 
Like Eagle and owl (many words)

And weasels, 
You mustn't forget they give measles.


Lynx and, 

And a vicious SNAKE.
"Hey, that's a FAKE!" 

It's not a branch,
It's a Snake!!

Flighty Fox

She is a FOX.
She has a box,

Of enemies.
It's famine.

So she runs into the road,
Meeting a big Ford.

Flighty Fox dodges,
And meets a Lodge.

Then she sees a coyote,
And then an eagle,

And that's the end of Flighty Fox...


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